
Macro’s 2009-2011
For a couple of years 2009 – 2011 I had finally scrimped and saved to buy really good Nikon camera equipment, several lenses including my absolute favorite Macro lens. It began an adventure into a world I had never seen before, the world of macro photography… I was obsessed and trying to capture as much of those little details as I could, I was passionate and it was a daily adventure (with exercise) for me and occasionally my son. I was so into the macro world, the yearning to buy better lenses, better equipment was festering and boiling over, I wanted it all now, until the dreaded break-in of our home where all my camera equipment, including all of my camera lenses, tripods, flashes, sd- cards, studio – studio lights, accessories, camera bags, and my bodies of both Cameras and some other cameras and equipment. Sadly everything that was stolen was literally everything we owned, (other than large furniture – to the value of over 40k) it was all undervalued with our insurance payout and naturally other items were more important to replace for us first. I just could not afford to create the same set up or buy most of the equipment, especially bodies and lenses, that had already taken years of saving to buy in the first place. So a few years ago I bought a Canon Rebel TS, which I have hardly touched! I lost the passion to even want to take photos, because I was so into macro photography and knew I probably could never afford to indulge in that again and I still have not ventured back, it was worse that they stole over 50 SD cards of photography, including all my photos of my son from birth to 9 years old and thankfully I had saved some into my software on my pic and also to flickR but 97% of my sons photos are gone forever. With that said I also found it sad because my passion with macros was that I believe what we can’t see with the naked eye, is the most amazing photography of all, and I can no longer take those shots! The Macro photo opens our eyes to features and worlds that we don’t know exist in our everyday and also on millions of living things and different species, like a dragonfly having chin whiskers, dew drops on a flower, spiders having a smirk, all the lenses in a flies eye etc… In my gallery are some of my favorite shots from the past, I’m still adding them and it will be rather large. I will also have another gallery of my other shots of randoms, people, birds, and basically the world around me. A lot of those were captured before my macro adventure began but they are equally as important a journey and dip into the world around us.
Thank you for viewing &
Happy Crafting
Macro Gallery 1
Click on the thumbnail image to see the bigger image and details.