Other Stuff

Craft Room Updates Oct-Nov 2019

I got new furniture for my craft room.. Gary out did himself and decked me out with the beginning to a much better crafty fun place! I love him he’s…

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Bowling With PBA’s Dom Barrett

At USBC Open Syracuse NY We had the pleasure and honor of bowling the team event with one of Track’s Bowling Team Members and International PBA Bowling Superstars from England,…

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Not Craft Related – Bowling

So As my “About Me” page mentions, I’m a League Ten Pin Bowler and I also work in a Bowling Pro Shop, which can be fun 🙂In the last 2…

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Craft Room Woes 2018 / 2019

So I’m sure a lot of people have great craft-room’s with tons of storage and space, sadly I have a very small space its about 10″ by 9″ in size…

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Out With The Old – In With The New!

Still In Progress of Updating, Feb 2022 I decided on a whim to cancel my blogger account and create a WordPress one. I will be moving everything over from there…

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Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, Card-Tastic by Dee Walsh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.