So I’m sure a lot of people have great craft-room’s with tons of storage and space, sadly I have a very small space its about 10″ by 9″ in size with a closet full of clothes, handbags, bowling equipment etc..
It was actually our storage room, but i have since taken it over..
So I’m sharing a couple of pictures of my makeshift craft room, which I’m sure given time will get more organised and be more functional..
Right now I craft on 2 folding tables we got from Sam’s and a folding chair from there as well..
I have a small cube unit from target, with some canvas inserts, and then a bunch of plastic containers in various sizes and 1 plastic drawer tower, I think I got that on sale from Big Lots.
It is very cramped and I literally have piles of stuff everywhere as I keep running out of containers and space lol..
I also collect Boyd’s Bears so they are strewn throughout the room and the rest of the house as well..
It’s not a crafter’s delight nor dream space, but for now it’s all I have and it somewhat works.

Originally Posted On my Old Blog May 2019